Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
Minutes, Meeting October 1, 2014 5:00 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
I. Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:06 p.m. Members present: Elizabeth, Larry H., Betty, Serena, Tania, Bonnie E, Herk, Bonnie M., Terri, Shellie, Lewis, Kathy, Chief Alvord and Secretary Lisa.
II. Approve Minutes of September 3, 2014 – MSC Brown/Alvord, T. to approve the minutes of the September 3, 2014 meeting, as presented.
III. Reports:
A. Treasurer: (Lisa) –reported for Marjie; No income for this month/cashed check for Support Services petty cash.
B. Events: (Serena) Relay for Life went very well. Did about $150.00 in snow cone sales. Team M.E. exceeded their goal by double! Serena thanked the members who help support the team. A special thank you went out to Mz. Larriegh Brown for raking in the dough, in her…?…his…?..her dress?!
IV. Action Items:
A. Fire Prevention Week - (Scott) – October 6-9 WFD will be at WES for Fire Prevention Week. Will need help from Support Services too. Discussion on how the program will work and what the kids will experience. Help needed to finish the Fire Safe House and filling information bags for the kids.
B. Appreciation Dinner (Scott) – Rotary Club will be putting on an appreciation dinner for first responders of Trinity County on October 22, at 6:00 p.m. at Station 1. All first responders are welcome to come and the support services is invited too. We will need a head count of who will be attending this dinner; may bring one guest. Support Services will not have to help with this dinner so you may come, relax, and be served – the clubs will be cooking and cleaning. We need to wear our shirts to the event.
C. Halloween (Tina) – Discussion on helping The Factory. It was decided to hand out candy on Main Street with Sparky. Betty and Lisa to get chocolate to hand out.
D. Christmas Dinner (Shellie) – Christmas Dinner will be at the regular dinner meeting, 1st Wednesday of December. At the November meeting there will be a menu and sign-ups for prep, cooking, and clean-up. Desserts will be provided by the S.S. Members – sign-ups in November. Discussion on the Christmas Dinner at Scott and Tania’s house, planned for December 13th; they will talk about it and let us know what we need to do.
V. Unit Reports:
A. Logistics: (Tania) – Discussion on snacks in the cupboard, and stock in the freezer. It was suggested to come up with a plan and menu to cook items and have them in the freezer.
B. EMS Support: (Serena) – No report.
C. Maintenance: (Bonnie M.) – Floors, exit signs, Ernie cleaned kitchen and bathroom floors, Bonnie M. mentioned flower bed clean-up soon.
D. Technology: (Lisa) – Mike keeping up on the website, and facebook.
E. Public Events/Education: (Lisa) – Fire Prevention Week.
F. Recruitment and Retention: (Lona) – Larry H. – WFD going to THS every Wednesday. Discussion on using the flyer out front and taking them to the High School since they are aimed at young students and girls in particular.
VI. Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting: Discussion on Bingo- probably better for winter. Tina would like to see it start the 1st Sunday in January 2015. Discussion on starting at 1:00p.m., Tina to talk with Marjie and Vicki to get it planned. Tina will talk to Lona regarding obtaining a plastic banner for support services. Tina thanked Lewis for doing such a fine job running the September meeting! Next meeting: Christmas Dinners and sign-ups, and Bingo.
VII. Adjourn: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.